CFE Due 11/30 for Publication and Exhibition

Meara_James_choir small

James Meara, Choir, Collage


The Hand is seeking entries for Issue #11, coming out in January, 2016. Submissions are due Nov. 30th. There is never any theme for subject matter, but we are looking for prints of all kinds, collages, hand-printed photographs, video and film work, and mixed media, book arts, installation and performance work incorporating printed media.

Also, in addition to selecting images for the printed magazine, we will be selecting about twenty-five pieces to contribute to an exhibition titled, “Automic”, at The Small Engine Gallery in Albuquerque, NM!

Subscribers can submit to FOUR issues for no additional charge. Submit or subscribe now and help us make Issue #11 another incredible issue!



The Hands,

Adam Finkelston and James Meara